Friday, September 7, 2012

Red Friday!

It's Red Friday! You will know what that means if you are a Chiefs fan. If you aren't, it's ok, Jesus still loves you.

Tonight, I will draft my second NFL fantasy team. The league includes John Breslin, Kenny Prawat, Jordan Orick, Brian Piechocki, Brittany Prawat, and me...of course. I think I have a solid draft strategy. I am not going to help Brit with this draft. I have given her enough knowledge to succeed. She is taking the step from apprentice to master (see Star Wars for full understanding of this concept).

We will be working on promoting Oasis Miami today. We have been brainstorming like crazy and have some pretty good ideas that we are going to begin to implement. We are having our first official team meeting with Joyner and Ruth (Oasis Miami pastors) tomorrow. We have hung out a couple times before but now we are getting down to business.

We are still job searching and applying for jobs. We have had a little success. We know we will find something and are confident that Jesus will make it happen. Right now, we are setting up office at our local starbucks (just two blocks away). I think they are starting to recognize us as we have been here everyday for the last five days.

Thought For Today
God is only pleased by faith. You may have heard that before. But what I want to focus on today is where faith comes from. "Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ." (Rom 10:17)

What is the word about Christ? Is it the same as the Word of God? No, actually it isn't. My faith isn't gained by hearing someone read 1st and 2nd Chronicles or Job. My faith came when I heard the message of or about Jesus. The message of Jesus is the forgiveness of sins, the cancelation of a debt, a reconciled family, and an undoubted acceptance. 

This message builds faith. So if you want your faith to be active, return to the Gospel of Grace daily.


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