Saturday, September 22, 2012


Last night, the pastor's family threw a little birthday party for Justin. It was very sweet of them, and we had a good time. we had a sort of jambalaya-ish/fried rice-esque dish and ice cream cake. Ice cream cake is never a bad idea.
As Justin mentioned earlier, I have a job. This first job in which nepotism carried no role. Pretty exciting for me. I start training on the cutting table at Joann Fabrics on Thursday. It won't be much money, but I'm sure the opportunity to get out of our tiny apartment and interact with people will be worth it!
We saw a movie yesterday called End Of Watch. It was REALLY intense, but pretty good. It, like Lawless (which we saw our first week here), would go from deep emotions, to jovial conversations that made you laugh, to violence in seconds. Obviously, the violence wasn't quite my cup of tea... But, it made for a connective movie watching experience.
I brought a limited amount of yarn with me, and I'm trying to use it all up before I buy more (with my Joann employee discount!). If you ever want me to become uninterested in knitting tell me to knit in purple. And what is one of the colors I brought with me? Purple.
Thats really all I have for today.

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